Address: Kensington Close Hotel, Wrights Lane, London
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DAY ONE: Cognitive Radio in Intelligent Spectrum Usage |
12.00 | Lunch is available
1.00pm | Welcome and Introductions
Dr. Walter Tuttlebee, Executive Director of Mobile VCE |
1.15 | Cognitive Radio - Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow (part 1)
Dr, Joseph Mitola III, Mitre |
Cognitive Radio – Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow (part 2)
True cognitive radio is a very broad concept, yet today, particularly in the USA, it has become synonymous simply with intelligent spectrum usage. What can cognitive radio deliver in this realm ? How might it evolve from this limited introduction to fulfil its true, wider, potential ?
Dr Joseph Mitola III, Mitre |
2.00pm | Self Configuring Networks – A Role for Cognitive Radio?
A major expense for the wireless network operator, after spectrum and sites, is network set up and configuration, to deliver optimum performance. And of course, over time performance changes, capacity requirements increase and new services are added. Self-configuration promises cost savings – but how can this be done ?
Dr Louis Gwyn Samuel, CTO Office, Alcatel-Lucent SA |
2.30pm | WINNER Perspectives on Intelligent Spectrum Sharing
The Wireless World Initiative New Radio (WINNER) project is a major European research effort to develop a flexible and scalable radio access system, addressing the challenging requirements for future systems e.g. in terms of spectrum demand and methods for optimum spectrum usage. The presentation will identify the advantages of the WINNER Spectrum concept to share the spectrum with non-WINNER and WINNER systems. It will focus on identifying the radio resource management spectrum functional entities and describe the overall implicit degree of decentralization of the spectrum sharing and assignment schemes.
Jean-Philippe Kermoal, Nokia |
3.00pm | Networking Break
3.30pm | Advances in Flexible Radio Technology to Support Cognitive Radio
Realisation of the potential benefits of intelligent spectrum usage places significant challenges upon the radio frequency technology, if fast, dynamic, flexible reconfiguration is to be achieved at the low cost points demanded by mass market consumer wireless products.
Hiroshi Harada, National Institute of Information & Communications Technology, Japan |
4pm | Participant Debate: “Cognitive Radio: Moving from Theory to Reality ?”
Can we map an evolutionary route for CR from theoretical possibilities to products ?
Can spectrum gains really be realised ? When ? Who will benefit ? From context-dependent spectrum to context-dependent services ? |
Chairman: Trevor Gill Vodafone |
Break (for networking, hotel check-in & settling in) |
7pm | DAY ONE, EVENING: Networking Dinner
…to include a few words about NGM, Industry Needs and where Delivery Efficiency fits within this & what other aspects are being explored within the Mobile VCE programme
Welcome from Prof Rahim Tafazolli, Academic Coordinator, Delivery Efficiency Programme |
DAY TWO: Implementation – Realities & Challenges |
8.45am | Welcome: Setting the Scene, Day Two
Dr Tim Moulsley, Philips, Industrial Steering Group Chairman, Delivery Efficiency Programme |
9am | Intelligent Spectrum Usage – Potential & Possibility
The cognitive cycle – what is needed to secure the spectrum gains that are promised, challenges and research approaches to make such gains feasible.
Prof Mark Beach, University of Bristol |
9.40am | Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radios
Effective intelligent spectrum usage requires timely and accurate knowledge of spectrum occupancy. Spectrum sensing is a key part of the cognitive cycle to enable appropriate realtime decisions.
Prof Anant Sahai, University of California, Berkeley, USA |
10.20am | Networking Break
10.40am | Application of Cognitive Radio in the TV Bands
Allocation of spectrum does not equate to usage of spectrum. For years spectrum has been used inefficiently as regulators have allocated spectrum to a single service that could be intelligently re-used for multiple services. Cognitive radio technology promises to allow this for the first time practically in the US TV spectrum.
Dr Narciso Tan, Head of Wireless Communications & Networking Group, |
11.30am | Participant Debate: “Identifying the Key Implementation Challenges & Routes to Solutions”
What are the key challenges and their relative importance and timings ?
Do alternative perspectives exist that might circumvent some of these challenges ? When might solutions begin to impact the products and the marketplace ? |
Chairman: Dr Richard Ormson, NEC |
12.45pm | Closing Remarks
Dr Walter Tuttlebee, Executive Director Mobile VCE |
Revised 6th December 2008 | MobileVCE Home | Copyright © 2010 Mobile VCE. |