Address: Chilworth Manor, Chilworth, Southampton, Hampshire, SO16 7PT, UK
In recent years the telecommunications industry has been experiencing major technology and competitive shifts, which represent both threats and opportunities. With WRC2007 imminent, many definitions of ‘4G’ are more diverse than 3 years ago; indeed, some would maintain the whole concept of ‘generations’ is now passé. Different regional perspectives and priorities exist in North America, Asia and Europe; likewise, different players across the value web – operators, infrastructure and handset manufacturers, content provider, component and software suppliers, etc – have differing perspectives. Mobile VCE benefits from having industrial membership from across all three key regions and from across the value web. The objective of this day is to provide all our members with an opportunity to appreciate, review and challenge the varying perspectives on future industry evolution and to explore and debate the implications for directions for future research, with a view to identifying areas where Mobile VCE can make a significant and strategic impact for the benefit of our members.
09.00 | Registration & Coffee will be available from 9am
10.00 | Welcome & Introduction | Dr Keith Baughan, Chairman Mobile VCE |
Setting the Scene |
10.15 | 'Perceptions of the Future'
An introduction to the structure, members and work of Mobile VCE’s Visions Group and the process, approach and work to date, from its Chairman. The group comprises a mix of Mobile VCE’s industry members, and is chaired by an academic.
Prof Barry Evans, Surrey University |
10.30 | Socio-economics, Demography & User Issues
A summary of the major environmental changes over the next 10 years – population issues, climate change, etc – which could impact the path of future industry evolution
Walter Tuttlebee, Mobile VCE |
Industry Value-Web Perspectives This part of the programme is intended to enable members to appreciate better the full spectrum of issues that are important for future industry development, as seen from different parts of the industry value-web. Each presenter will provide a succinct summary of key anticipated developments which will drive the evolution of his section of the industry, also offering also some more personal speculative views on how things could evolve. |
10.45 | Operator
Providers of bit-pipes, telecom services, personal lifestyle services, banking services or ... ? What will we be ten years from now ?
Ed Candy, CTO Hutchison |
11.00 | Content
From mass-casting to mid-casting to narrow-casting to uni-casting - how does content figure in a future prosumer world ? A look beyond today's views of TV, User Generated Content, shared spaces and peer-to-peer.
Bob Schukai, Turner Broadcasting Inc |
11.15 | Terminals
More than 'Handsets' ?
What new mass market and niche business products might be envisaged and what new terminal markets might emerge to support 21st century life ? |
Seung-yong Park, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Samsung |
11.30 | Network Infrastructure
Tommorrow's products - what form will they take and what must they do ? The changing shape of infrastructure needs and solutions.
Louis Samuel, CTO Office, Alcatel-Lucent |
11.45 | Impact of the Internet & Webservices
IPv4, IPv6, IPvW & Evolution to Internet 2.0 ? Today many ISPs see economic difficulties in migrating to IPv6 yet others talking about the 'Future Internet', optimised for wireless - an Internet 2.0 ?
Web 2.0 is already here - what might webservices look like in a Web 3.0 world fully enabled by ubiquitous wireless connectivity ? |
Steve Wolak, Web Technologies Manager, Vodafone |
Industry Debate |
12.00 | Plenary Debate – starting points
An opportunity for members to introduce new views and material into the debate not covered in the earlier presentations.
12.45 | Lunch
Lunch - with opportunity to continue the debate over lunch
1.45 | Plenary Debate – continued
Strategic Research Priorities – the goal of this part of the Plenary Debate is to identify a consensus as to the most strategic areas of those presented where Mobile VCE can make a difference and which could form the focus of future research priorities.
Developing Focus |
2.15 | Breakout Groups
An opportunity for members to interact in smaller groups to share views and to explore in greater depth the key challenges and research issues emerging. Each group will be chaired by an Industry Member, and recorded by an Academic Member.
Discussion Chaired by Industrial Members |
Coffee will be available during the breakout sessions
Conclusions |
4.00 | Plenary Session: Breakout Group Feedback & Debate
The Chairman of each of the Breakout Groups will present the conclusions from his group to the plenary.
Time permitting, these feedback reports will be followed by a brief plenary assessment of the group outcomes, and their implications for future research directions and priorities. |
Group Chairmen |
Group 1 - Security Framework | Alan Cullen |
Group 2 - Network Architecture and Management | Bob Schukai |
Group 3 - User Interface | Steve Wolak |
Group 4 - IJI - It Just Is | Gary Clemo |
4.45 | The Way Forward – the Next Steps
Where we go from here – the next steps in the process, relevant timescales and how Industrial members can play an active role in the ongoing process of developing the next phase of Mobile VCE Core research.
Dr Walter Tuttlebee, Mobile VCE |
5.00 | Close of Meeting
Revised 25th May 2007 | MobileVCE Home | Copyright © 2010 Mobile VCE. |