Education Day - Core 4 Delivery Efficiency - Wireless and Cross Layer Technologi

Date & Time : 31st January 2006, 10:00

Venue : Vodafone, Harrison House, Theale (J12, M4)  location

Address: Harrison House, Building 1040, Arlington Business Park, Theale, RG7 4SA (from J12, M4)


The Mobile VCE core 4 research programme on Delivery Efficiency with some 70 man years of effort will commence early January 2006. In order to facilitate a rapid and efficient start up of the new PhD students and the post doctoral research staff with their initial technology reviews and analysis, a series of education days will be held late January.

For the work packages addressing Wireless Technologies and Cross Layer Operation, an all-day event will be held on 27th January 2006 hosted by Vodafone. Here presentations from experts involved with cutting edge wireless technologies and the application of cross-layer approaches, from both industry and academic research, will facilitate a structured review of the state-of-the-art by our researchers.


  Welcome, Introductions, Agenda
Tim Moulsley, Philips
  Overview of the Efficiency Programme
The Academic Coordiantor of the programme will provide a succinct overview of the programme, outlining the key technical challenges and the relationships of today's presentations with those areas of research within the relevant work packages.
Rahim Tafazolli, Surrey University
  Cross Layer Operation - the Debate
There has been debate over the rights and wrongs of cross-layer operation. Some have rightly argued in the literature that, implemented wrongly, cross layer can result in poor performance, whilst in reality, early implementations of simple cross layer operation exist in today's systems. This presentation wil clearly explain the key issues in approaching cross layer design.
Stephen McLaughlin, Edinburgh University
  3GPP Radio Access Network - Long Term Evolution
The Efficiency research programme is taking the 3GPP RAN LTE assumptions as its starting point. This talk will outline the 3GPP activities and current status of the LTE assumptions & progress.
Tim Moulsley, Philips
  The NOMOR Simulator
This presentation will describe an existing simulation approach. It is hoped that the simulator will be available for demonstration over lunch.
Thomas Stockhammer, Nomor Research
  Issues in WINNER Relevant to the Efficiency Programme
WINNER is an EU-supported WWI research programme focussing on future air interfaces. This talk will present key progress and achievements from the programme of relevance to the Efficiency research.
Adam Pollard, Vodafone
  Multi-Antenna Technologies and Wireless Communications
The talk will provide a brief overview of different multi-antenna technologies, followed by a detailed description of two specific areas based on recent research at Bell Laboratories in Swindon. The first includes technologies for MIMO receivers in 3G high-speed downlink packet access. The second includes technologies for interference cancellation and space-division multiple access in 802.11 wireless LAN systems.
Reza Karimi, Lucent
  Co-operative Diversity and Multihop
A significant volume of research has developed in these areas over the past few years, (including work within Mobile VCE's Core 2 and 3 programmes). This poresentation will provide a State of the Art Review.
Mischa Dohler, France Telecom
  Capacity Issues in Wireless Networks
For an operator, capacity issues are more than academic. This presentation will outline new perspectives on capacity issues.
Gerhard Fettweis, TU Dresden
  Issues in 802.11n
IEEE 802.11n will support much higher data rates for short range wireless - already companies have so-called "pre-n" products on the market. This presentation will introduce the issues that have enabled and shaped "n" and the potential for further evolution.
Ralf Irmer, Vodafone
  Close of Day
Walter Tuttlebee, Mobile VCE


Revised 16th February 2006 MobileVCE Home Copyright © 2010 Mobile VCE.