Business Capabilities Workshop for Instant Knowledge

Date & Time : 24th March 2011

Venue : Thales, Worton Drive, Reading, Berkshire, RG2 0SB  location


The goal of the Instant Knowledge project is to provide the tools and techniques for a “Find an Expert” system that really works. The initial trial evaluation by Thales has proved that this has been achieved and the potential is clearly there.

As well as this successful conclusion we have also identified during the research, other techniques in the areas of social networking, recommender systems and privacy that we believe will have other applications. The aim of this workshop is explore the ways in which both the “Find an Expert” and the other technologies can enhance companies capabilities in their operations and customer’s experience.


  One Page Overview of the Instant Knowledge Concepts
  Workshop Flyer - Summary of the Instant Knowledge Toolset
  12.00 Lunch
  13.00 Welcome and introductions
Glyn Jones, Thales
  13.10 Mobile VCE background to Instant Knowledge
This presentation will show how Instant Knowledge fits in with the overall research programme of Mobile VCE and the general goals of Mobile VCE research.
Walter Tuttlebee, Mobile VCE
  13.25 Overview of the Instant Knowledge project as a whole, status, plans etc.
The Instant Knowledge research project has produced some excellent innovative research during the last 2+ years. As we move into the last 6 months of the project this presentation will highlight these achievements and give the plans of how members can exploit these new concepts to enhance their own business opportunities
Glyn Jones, Thales
  13.40 Business User Group (BUG) feedback results
The Business User Group, BUG, is a new concept that was introduced for the Instant Knowledge project. Throughout the project the IK Chairman and Academic Coordinator have met with both member and non-member companies to see if the ideas being produced by the research are applicable and useable to industry; not just the research departments but the general business departments of those companies. Feedback has also helped to steer the research in the most applicable directions. This presentation will hoghlight the BUG feedback that has been recieved so far.
James Irvine, University of Strathclyde
  14.00 Evaluation of Instant Knowledge by Thales, an Mobile VCE industrial member company
Thales undertook a 2 month evealuation of the Instant Knowledge tools and concepts that have been produced by the researchers, to see how they could enhance their own operations. They produced an expert finder tool based on their internal documents and wiki. This presentation gives the findings from this evaluation
Glyn Jones, Thales
  14.20 Presentation of the each Instant Knowledge component technology
The Instant Knowledge project has produced a number of discrete component ideas, tools and technologies that together make the complete, integrated Instant Knowledge research project. However, these components in themselves show promise of being applicable to the industry in many other ways. This presentation details these components in preparation for the discussions in the next part of the workshop. Among the components to be discussed are Profile Extracting, Recommender, Centralized & Distributed Privacy, Social Network Mapping and Context Analysis & Recording
James Irvine, University of Strathclyde
  14.45 Coffee/Tea Break
  15.05 Discussions on business capabilities of Instant Knowledge
This is the main part of the workshop where we will explore the opportunities that the Instant Knowledge project has potentially for the operations and business capabilities of organizations. During the development of the project, including the Business User Group meetings, we have had some ideas as to how the Instant Knowledge concepts could be exploited, however, we have seen that different companies can see many other opportunities given their own company practices and customers. In the discussions on this part of the agenda we want to explore the synergy between these ideas and identify the business capabilities that Instant Knowledge provides.
  16.35 Summary, including where to from here
Glyn Jones, Thales
  16.50 End of Meeting


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