Mobile VCE Core 4 Publication


Title A Semantic Device and Service Description Framework for Ubiquitous Environments
Authors Suparna De, Stefan Meissner, Ralf Kernchen, Klaus Moessner
Journal/Conference name ICT Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit
Date of Publication 10 - 12 June 2008
Work Area Ubiquitous Services
Abstract The twin goals of automation and personalisation are the current drivers for research in ubiquitous environments. The realisation of such proactive systems necessitates, at a first instance, the description of the ambient environment at a semantic level. The challenge is to design a framework that leverages various discovery protocol-specific description approaches and provides a higher-level representation to collated context. Towards this aim, this paper discusses a transformation component that has been defined as part of a Service Context Management framework for discovery and management of distributed devices in a technology-independent manner. This component acts as an adaptor mechanism to map varied context information into an ontology based explicit representation to trigger application reasoning and personalised service delivery. The validation of the approach is provided by mapping UAProf and UPnP device descriptions into the framework.

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