Mobile VCE Core 4 Publication


Title Ontology-based Context Inference and Query for Mobile Devices
Authors Suparna De and Klaus Moessner
Journal/Conference name PIMRC 2008
Date of Publication 15 Sept 2008
Work Area Ubiquitous Services
Abstract The vision of service personalization for mobile communication environments entails context sensitive service provisioning. The realization of such customizable smart spaces necessitates acquisition and processing of modality context information from a variety of devices in the ambient environment. The heterogeneity of available device capabilities and description formats brings new challenges for a context reasoning engine that formulates content delivery decisions. Specifically, to ensure interoperability with existing application logic, the enabling components should support semantic queries. Secondly, situations where differently formatted input context information may not provide enough information to answer queries should be intelligently handled. Towards this aim, this paper discusses a context reasoning and query interface component as part of a Service Context Manager (SCM) framework that supports semantic querying and handles incomplete context information through a rule-based mechanism. The validation of the approach is provided showing the mapping of disparate UAProf and UPnP descriptions into the framework and querying of supported modality services.

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