Mobile VCE Core 4 Publication


Title Decentralised High-Throughput Non-Orthogonal Interleaved Random Space-Time Coding for Multi-Source Cooperation
Authors Rong Zhang and Lajos Hanzo
Journal/Conference name IEEE Journal
Date of Publication
Work Area Delivery Efficiency
Abstract In this paper, we propose a novel distributed Interleaved Random Space-Time Code (IR-STC) designed for Multi-Source Cooperation (MSC) employing various relaying techniques, namely Amplify-Forward, Decode-Forward, Soft-Decode-Forward and Differential-Decode-Forward. We characterise the achievable slot utilisation efficiency and introduce a two-phase communication regime for our IR-STC aided MSC. A matrix based formalism is used for describing our IR-STC scheme and a novel Multilevel Structured (MLS) random interleaver generation method is proposed. We characterize the achievable performance of our proposed IR-STC design compared to that of the traditional $G_4$ Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes (OSTBC) invoked for MSC and the performance of our IR-STC is furthermore characterised in conjunction with various relaying techniques under different inter-source Nakagami-m fading channels.

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