Mobile VCE Core 4 Publication


Title Ubiquitous Personal Content Transfer in a Hybrid and Heterogeneous Wireless Network Environment
Authors Junkang Ma, John M Hannah, David I Laurenson
Journal/Conference name PIMRC 2008
Date of Publication 15 Sept 2008
Work Area Ubiquitous Services
Abstract Ubiquitous personal content transfer in a heterogeneous environment includes both global infrastructure based communications and local infrastructureless transfer, which leads to a hybrid networking environment. The MIP/NEMO standard can support ubiquitous content transfer, but is inefficient for local content transfer. Infrastructureless communication using ad hoc mode is often utilized by individual users to transfer local content, but it can not support device mobility. In this paper, a scheme based on a Personal Distributed Environment (PDE) is proposed to implement ubiquitous content transfer in a hybrid networking environment. It can improve performance by combining the virtues of MIP/NEMO and the advantages of ad hoc mode.

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