Mobile VCE Core 4 Publication


Title On the Efficiency of Interference Coordination Schemes in Emerging Cellular Wireless Networks
Authors Mehrdad Shariat, Atta Ul Quddus and Rahim Tafazolli
Journal/Conference name PIMRC 2008
Date of Publication 15 Sept 2008
Work Area Delivery Efficiency
Abstract In this paper, the efficiencies of different interference coordination schemes are evaluated for emerging wireless networks and the possible impact on intra-cell scheduling is studied through extensive simulations. The results show that pure fractional frequency reuse can provide similar improvement in the cell-edge throughput compared to power coordinated counterpart at a less cost in terms of overall throughput. Moreover, it can provide fairer distribution of throughput in both central as well as cell-edge areas. However, this scheme can not mange asymmetrical changes in the distribution of users across different cells in the entire system. As a result, a power coordination mechanism would be still necessary on top of such flexible frequency reuse schemes.

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