Mobile VCE Core 4 Publication


Title The QoS, Security and Mobility Integrated Mechanism to Provide Ubiquitous Services in IP-based Networks
Authors Yingli Sheng, Dev Pragad Audsin, Dr.Haitham Cruickshank, Dr. Paul Pangalos
Journal/Conference name PIMRC 2008
Date of Publication 15 Sept 2008
Work Area Ubiquitous Services
Abstract With the advent of various access technologies and increasing number of applications, a set of challenges concerning efficiently delivering ubiquitous service to different users and devices have been posed. One of the important challenges is to integrate Quality of Service (QoS), security and mobility support in heterogeneous networks. Hence, the concept of Enhanced Node (EN) is proposed in this paper. The EN is an intelligent entity with a network sub-layer, which integrates QoS, Security and Mobility Management. It is located in the access network and communicates with each other through signallings. In this paper, the functionalities of the ENs are described and the framework with ENs to integrate QoS, security and mobility in IP-based networks is presented. The mechanisms to provide the authenticated and authorized access control and to enhance the secured QoS combined fast handovers are also proposed.

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