Mobile VCE Core 4 Publication


Title A Device Management Framework for Secure Ubiquitous Service Delivery
Authors Adrian Leung and Chris J. Mitchell
Journal/Conference name PIMRC 2008/IAS 2008
Date of Publication
Work Area Ubiquitous Services
Abstract In a Mobile Ubiquitous Environment, users typically have many devices (e.g. PDAs, laptops, mobile phones, etc). The choice of which device to use for accessing and consuming a service may depend on a variety of factors: e.g. the context or the physical location of a user, or the type of service being accessed. Service interactions between a user device and a service provider should always be secure, regardless of the device that is used. In this paper, we present a Secure Device Management Framework (SDMF), designed to securely deliver services to user devices, whilst also hiding [some of] the complexity of security management from users. At the heart of this framework is the Device Management Entity (DME), that manages a user device’s security credentials on its behalf, and interacts with service providers. This framework also provides users with assurance that a compromised device is unable to consume the delivered service, and, at the same time, prevents user from illegally sharing their credentials with other users. We show how these objectives are achieved using Trusted Computing functionality. and a number of other security mechanisms

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