Mobile VCE Core 4 Publication


Title A Combined Mobility and QoS Framework for Delivering Ubiquitous Services
Authors Dev Pragad Audsin, George Kamel, Paul Pangalos and Hamid Aghvami
Journal/Conference name PIMRC 2008
Date of Publication 15 Sept 2008
Work Area Ubiquitous Services
Abstract This paper explains the Mobile VCE Core 4 network perspective's efforts in removing the barriers in delivering ubiquitous services. From a network perspective the major challenge in providing connectivity and delivery of high QoS to users is the effect of mobility and its interactions with other essential components such as QoS and Security. The interactions of Mobility and QoS has been studied recently, in this paper we take a different perspective into this issue and provide a combined framework of mobility and QoS mechanisms to reduce any negative interactions that might arise. We propose the concept of Enhanced Nodes which is a special IP router with an extra sublayer of mobility, QoS and security features. Using the Enhanced Nodes we propose a generic framework for combinined mobility and QoS mechanisms. The framework is illustrated with an example of a QoS based mobility selection mechanism.

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