Mobile VCE Core 4 Publication


Title Semantic Description of Multimodal Devices: Modelling and Evaluation
Authors Suparna De, Klaus Moessner
Journal/Conference name proceedings of eChallenges e-2008, 22-24 October, 2008, Stoc
Date of Publication
Work Area Ubiquitous Services
Abstract The heterogeneous, dynamic nature of current communication environments necessitates that all system components that form part of a personalisation framework should be context aware. To ensure context enabled interoperation, a shared, formalised specification of devices and services in the ambient environment is a must. With this aim, this paper presents an ontology model that captures the semantics of the multimodal devices and services in the mobile ad-hoc environment. The approach is validated using available metrics and compared to existing approaches, both through subjective feature-based evaluation and metrics’ calculations. This paper also extends the metrics’ usability by extending the analysis to interoperability with application logic and domain capture.

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