Mobile VCE Core 4 Publication


Title Relay Selection for Secure Cooperative Networks with Jamming
Authors I. Krikidis, J. Thompson
Journal/Conference name IEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
Date of Publication
Work Area Delivery Efficiency
Abstract This paper deals with the relay selection in cooperative networks with secrecy constraints. The proposed sheme enables an opportunistic selection of two relay nodes for increasig security against eavesdroppers. The first relay operates a conventional mode and assists a source to deliver its data to a destination via a decode-and-forward (DF) strategy. The second relay is used in order to create intentional interference at the eavesdropper nodes. The proposed selection technique jointly protects the primary destination against interference and eavesdropping and jam the reception of the eavesropper. The new approach is analyzed for different complexity requirements based on an instantaneous and an average knowledge of the eavesdropper channels. Another issue which is discussed in this paper is the investigation of an hybrid security scheme which switches between jamming and non-jamming protection. It is proven that an appropriate application of these two modes can increase furthermore security. The enhancements of the proposed selection techniques are shown with analytical and simulation results from an information-theoretic standpoint.

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