Mobile VCE Core 4 Publication


Title TCP-aware Resource Allocation in Wireless Networks via Utility Maximisation
Authors Toktam Mahmoodi, Vasilis Friderikos, Hamid Aghvami
Journal/Conference name WWRF 22nd
Date of Publication May 2009
Work Area Delivery Efficiency
Abstract Motivated by the fact that a plethora of different applications, ranging from streaming video to file transferring, are using TCP we propose a set of utility functions that capture these application and optimise the transmission of TCP over wireless via a utility maximisation framework. We show that defining such a set of utility functions in the design of the wireless resource allocation problem can significantly benefit the overall efficiency metrics such as the end-to-end throughput and fairness among end-to-end flows . We quantify the achieved gains via numerical investigations by detailing a resource allocation problem based on the proposed framework.

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