Mobile VCE Core 4 Publication


Title Cross layer design to improve wireless TCP performance with Link layer adaptation
Authors Toktam Mahmoodi, Vasilis Friderikos, Hamid Aghvami
Journal/Conference name VTC Fall 2007
Date of Publication
Work Area Delivery Efficiency
Abstract The reliable transport protocol for the Internet, has been engineered to perform well in wired networks where packet loss is mainly due to congestion. TCP performance degrades on wireless links which are characterized by high bit error rate and intermittent connectivity. On wireless links, the performance seen by the TCP layer can be improved by the use of cross layer algorithms at the link level that interact with the TCP state machine. In this paper the TCP aware Dynamic ARQ algorithm proposed to utilizes TCP Round Trip Time and prioritize ARQ packets retransmission. Numerical investigations of the proposed scheme depict the performance improvements that can be attained in comparison to TCP agnostic schemes.

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