Mobile VCE Core 4 Publication


Title Recovering Multiplexing Loss through Successive Relaying Using Simple Repetition Coding Method
Authors Yijia Fan, Chao Wang, John Thompson
Journal/Conference name IEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
Date of Publication
Work Area Delivery Efficiency
Abstract This paper is the revised version of a journal paper originally submitted by my colleague Yijia Fan to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications last Summer. Since the paper was submitted, I have developed some novel analysis of the diversity-multiplexing trade off for relaying schemes similar to those proposed by Yijia. This work is documented in my current ICR, which I am currently finalising. In response to the reviewers comments, I have agreed that a special case of my analysis be included as an Appendix in this revised journal paper. I ask that the VCE give me and Yijia permission to submit this second version of the paper to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.

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