Mobile VCE Core 4 Publication


Title Recovering Multiplexing Loss Through Concurrent Relaying
Authors Chao Wang, Yijia Fan, John Thompson
Journal/Conference name
Date of Publication
Work Area Delivery Efficiency
Abstract In this paper, we develop a novel digital cooperative diversity transmission protocol for a two-source scenario by combining the two classic DF relaying process and using 2L+1 time slots to transmit L symbols from each source. Assuming the relays can perfectly decode their associated source messages and there is no cooperation between the two sources, we give an information-theoretic capacity region upper bound for this transmission scheme. Through the diversity-multiplexing tradeoff analysis, we show that our so called concurrent relaying protocol can effectively recover the multiplexing loss induced by the half-duplex operation in the relays. Numerical results reveal our scheme offers significant performance advantages over classic DF relaying protocol, especially in high spectral efficiency and large L regime.

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