Mobile VCE Core 4 Publication


Title Multi-Agent Mediated Electronic-Marketplace for Adaptation Services
Authors Hillary Tarus, John Bush, James Irvine, John Dunlop
Journal/Conference name CCNC 2008
Date of Publication January 2008
Work Area Ubiquitous Services
Abstract Ubiquitous service provision demands a flexible, low complexity and small foot-print platform that can perform in heterogeneous devices. Agent technology is a design paradigm that promises to take device and service complexity from the user. The Java Agent Development Environment (JADE) is an agent platform wholly developed in Java and with the Lightweight Extensible Agent Platform (LEAP) extension can be deployed in limited capability devices. In this paper, we describe the deployment of JADE as a ubiquitous electronic market platform for trading of adaptation services. We then statistically measure JADE’s transport protocol efficiency over wireless WAN networks vis-à-vis traditional remote technologies. Our tests are unique in the sense that we benchmarked our results with working devices over real networks. Our results show that the use of an electronic market results in a linear rise in download time as file sizes increases while using plain message passing technique results in a sub-exponential rise.

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