Mobile VCE Core 4 Publication


Title Reduced Complexity Detection Technique for Layered STBC based MIMO-OFDM
Authors Aimal Khan Yousafzai and Mohammad Reza Nakhai
Journal/Conference name IET Journal on Communications
Date of Publication
Work Area Delivery Efficiency
Abstract In this paper, we analyze the Decision Feedback Equalization (DFE) receiver for Layered STBC (LSTBC) based on a MIMO-OFDM platform. LSTBC system combines high spectral efficiency of V-BLAST with transmit diversity of STBC. We analytically show that although the LSTBC doubles the diversity order of each layer in V-BLAST, it increases the computational complexity by approximately 4 folds. Based on the analysis of the structure of DFE for LSTBC, we propose a simple yet efficient QR decomposition (QRD) algorithm that effectively reduces the computational complexity of the DFE receiver for LSTBC by half.

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