Mobile VCE Core 4 Publication


Title Application of cooperative sensing in radar-communications coexistence
Authors Lingfeng (Stephen) Wang, Joe McGeehan and Chris Williams
Journal/Conference name IET Communications Special Issue on Cognitive Spectrum Acces
Date of Publication
Work Area Delivery Efficiency
Abstract The feasibility of coexistence between radar and a communication system is investigated under lognormal shadowing conditions. A key element that enables coexistence is a sensing receiver to detect the presence of a radar system, and prevent transmissions when interference may occur. Initial studies where each communication terminal does its own sensing and decision making shows that while bandsharing is possible, under stringent interference requirements communication efficiency can be limited. Analytical and simulation results illustrate that cooperative sensing leads to an improved detection range, higher detection probability and less complexity of sensing nodes than that of single sensing, based on several key factors. It is concluded that cooperative spectrum sensing is able to enhance detection capabilities for maximising radar spectrum-sharing usage efficiency.

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